原著論文 (*査読付き論文)
1*. Naruhashi, N., Itahashi,T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome numbers of Duchesnea in Toyama Prefecture, Japan.
La Kromosomo II-42: 1330-1335 (1986)
2*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyotypes of three species of Fragaria (Rosaceae)
Cytologia 54: 493-497 (1989)
3*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
A case of reciprocal translocation in Potentilla togasii Ohwi (Rosaceae).
CIS 51: 21-22 (1991)
4. Naruhashi, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Comparative morphology of flowers and chromosome numbers in Duchesnea indica (Rosaceae) from Nepal and Japan.
Ohba, H. and Malla, S. B. (ed.) “The Himalayan Plants” vol. 2. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, p. 11-15 (1991)
5*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytological study of a triploid Duchesnea chrysantha (Zoll. et Mor.) Miquel (Rosaceae).
CIS 51: 18-20 (1991)
6*. Naruhashi, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Cytotaxonomic study on two putative hybrids in the genus Duchesnea (Rosaceae).
Bot. Mag. Tokyo 104: 137-143 (1991)
7*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyomorphological and cytogenetical studies in Potentilla (Rosaceae) I. Karyotypes of nine Japanese species.
Cytologia 56: 1-10 (1991)
8*. Naruhashi, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyological studies of Duchesnea (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 56: 143-149 (1991)
9*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyomorphological and cytogenetical studies of Rubus parvifolius, R. coreanus and R.×hiraseanus (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 56: 151-156 (1991)
10*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyotypes of Fragaria nubicola and F. daltoniana (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 56: 453-457 (1991)
11*. Iwatsubo, Y., Masaki, H., Kume, O., Araki, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome number of Rubus ×pseudosieboldii (Rosaceae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 67: 10-14 (1992)
12*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytological studies of two natural hybrids of Potentilla (Rosaceae): P. ×masakii and P. ×musashinoana.
La Kromosomo II-65: 2183-2188 (1992)
13*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytological study of a triploid Potentilla riparia Murata (Rosaceae).
CIS 52: 14-16 (1992)
14*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytotaxonomical studies of Rubus (Rosaceae) I. Chromosome numbers of 20 species and 2 natural hybrids.
J. Jpn. Bot. 67: 270-275 (1992)
15*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyomorhological and cytogenetical studies in Potentilla (Rosaceae) II. P. cryptotaeniae var. insularis, P. sundaica var. robusta and the F1 hybrid.
La Kromosomo II-66: 2250-2256 (1992)
16*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome number and karyotype of two Stephanandra (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 58: 95-98 (1993)
17*. Iwatsubo, Y. , Mishima, M. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers in four Japanese species of Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae).
CIS 54: 3-5 (1993)
18*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytogenetical study of Rubus ×tawadanus (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 58: 217-221 (1993)
19*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytotaxonomical studies of Rubus (Rosaceae) II. Chromosome numbers of 21 species and 6 natural hybrids.
J. Jpn. Bot. 68: 159-165 (1993)
20*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyotypes on five species of Japanese Geum (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 58: 313-320 (1993)
21*. Iwatsubo, Y. , Mishima, M. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome studies of Japanese Agrimonia (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 58: 453-461 (1993)
22. Naruhashi, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome number of Japanese Rubus.
Acta Horticulturae 352: 429-433 (1993)
23*. Naruhashi, N., Sugibayashi, C. and Iwatsubo, Y.
A new natural hybrid, Rubus ×pseudochingii (Rosaceae), from Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 42: 3-10 (1994)
24*. Kuroki, Y., Yokohama, A. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Fluorescent chromosome banding in Rumex montanus (Polygonaceae).
La Kromosomo II-74: 2591-2597 (1994)
25*. Iwatsubo, Y., Naruhashi, N. and Weber, H. E.
Chromosome numbers of European blackberries (Rubus subg. Rubus, Rosaceae).
Pl. Syst. Evol. 198: 143-149 (1995)
26*. Iwatsubo, Y., Aoki, M., Mishima, M. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytogenetic relationship between Rubus croceacanthus and R. minusculus (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 61: 163-167 (1996)
27*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
A comparative chromosome study of Rubus ×nikaii, R. parvifolius and R. phenicolasius (Rosaceae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 71: 333-337 (1996)
28*. Mishia, M., Iwatsubo, Y., Horii, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Intraspecific polyploidy of Sanguisorba tenuifolia Fisch. (Rosaceae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 44: 67-71 (1996)
29*. Mishia, M., Iwatsubo, Y., Horii, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers in Sanguisorba albiflora (Makino) Makino (Rosaceae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 73: 76-79 (1998)
30*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytogenetic studies of natural hybrid, Rubus ×hiraseanus, and artificial hybrid between R. coreanus and R. parvifolius (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 63: 235-238 (1998)
31*. Naruhashi, N., Aoki, M., Iwatsubo, Y., Kume, O. and Masaki, H.
Chromosome numbers and distributions of Rubus buergerii and R. hakonensis (Rosaceae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 46: 47-55 (1998)
32*. Sugimoto, M., Sato, T., Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
A new natural hybrid of Anemone (Ranunculaceae) from Japan, Anemone ×gokayamensis.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 46: 103-107 (1998)
33*. Naruhashi, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome numbers and distributions of Oenanthe javanica (Umbelliferae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 46: 161-166 (1998)
34*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome study of Exochorda racemosa (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 46: 201-203 (1998)
35*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome study of triploid Rubus parvifolius (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 47: 51-53 (1999)
36*. Himi, H., Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of 11 species in Japanese Rumex subg. Rumex (Polygonaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 47: 121-130 (1999)
37*. Naruhashi, N., Iwatsubo, Y. and Peng, Ching-I.
Cytology, flower morphology and distribution of Fragaria hayatai Makino (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 47: 139-143 (1999)
38*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyotypes of three species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 47: 145-148 (1999)
39*. Himi, H., Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of five natural hybrids in Japanese Rumex subg. Rumex (Polygonaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 48: 19-24 (2000)
40*. Iwatsubo, Y. , Ogino, K., Kodate, G. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of Plantago asiatica L. (Plantaginaceae) in Toyama Prefecture, central Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 48: 67-70 (2000)
41*. Iwatsubo,Y., Sakai, K. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome number of Sanguisorba tenuifolia var. grandiflora (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 49: 179-181 (2001)
42*. Naruhashi, N., Iwatsubo, Y. and Pen, Cing-I.
Chromosome numbers in Rubus (Rosaceae) of Taiwan.
Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 43: 193-201 (2002)
43. Naruhashi, N., Iwatsubo, Y. and Peng, Ching-I.
Taiwanese Rubus.
Acta Horticulturae 585: 97-99 (2002)
44*. Iwatsubo,Y., Kawasaki, T. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of 193 cultivated taxa of Prunus subg. Cerasus in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 50: 21-34 (2002)
45*. Iwatsubo,Y., Ito, K. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome study of Cryptotaenia japonica (Umbelliferae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 50: 73-76 (2002)
46*. Iwatsubo,Y., Suzuki, T. and Naruhashi, N.
Polyploidy of Persicaria japonica (Polygonaceae) in Toyama Prefecture, central Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 51: 59-61 (2003)
47*. Sawanomukai, T., Iwatsubo,Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of Japanese Scutellaria (Laminaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 51: 131-136 (2003)
48*. Iwatsubo,Y., Kawasaki, T. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of 41 cultivated taxa of Prunus subg. Cerasus in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 51: 165-168 (2003)
49*. Iwatsubo,Y., Souma, Y., Miura, N. and Naruhashi, N.
Polyploidy of Glechoma hederacea subsp. grandis (Labiatae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 52: 67-71 (2004)
50*. Iwatsubo,Y., Sengi, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of 36 cultivated taxa of Prunus subg. Cerasus in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 52: 73-76 (2004)
51*. Naruhashi, N., Sawanomukai, T., Wakasugi, T. and Iwatsubo,Y.
A new variety of Scutellaria (Laminaceae) from Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 52: 127-135 (2004)
52*. Iwatsubo,Y., Kodate, G. and Naruhashi, N.
Polyploidy of Reynoutria japonica var. japonica (Polygonaceae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 52: 137-142 (2004)
53*. Iwatsubo,Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Karyotypes of tetraploid Rubus parvifolius and octoploid R. rugosus (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 52: 185-190 (2004)
54*. Naruhashi, N., Nishikawa, T. and Iwatsubo,Y.
Taxonomic relationship between Japanese Potentilla anemonefolia and Himalayan P. sundaica (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 53: 1-11 (2005)
55*. Naruhashi, N., Seki, H., Yakura, Y., Nagata, Y. and Iwatsubo,Y.
Cytogeography of Duchesnea (Rosaceae) in central Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 53: 153- 159 (2005)
56*. Miura, N., Iwatsubo,Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of five species of Lamium (Labiatae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 53: 197-201 (2005)
57*. Iwatsubo,Y. and Otsuka, K.
Chromosome numbers of Japanese Symplocarpus (Araceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 53: 203-205 (2005)
58*. Iwatsubo,Y., Matsuda, M., Sasamura, K. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of six species of Hydrocotyle (Umbelliferae) in Japan.
J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 262-267 (2006)
59*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype of Myosoton aquaticum (Caryophyllaceae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 82: 217-221(2007)
60*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype of tetraploid Hieracium alpinum (Asteraceae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 82: 305-309 (2007)
61*. Sato, K., Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome studies of native lowland diploid Taraxacum (Asteraceae) in Japan.
Cytologia 72: 309-317 (2007)
62*. Sato, K., Kumagai, D. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome number of Portulaca oleracea (Portulaceae) in Japan.
J. Jpn. Bot. 82: 352-355 (2007)
63*. Sato, K., Iwatsubo, Y., Watanabe, M., Serizawa, S. and Naruhashi, N.
Chromosome numbers of Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae) in Toyama Prefecture , central Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 55: 1-7 (2007)
64*. Sato, K., Yoshida, T., Miura, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome numbers of three taxa of Achyranthes (Amaranthaceae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 55: 33-36 (2007)
65*. Sato, K., Iwatsubo, Y. and Naruhashi, N.
Distribution pattern of Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae) polyploid forms on Tanegashima Island, Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 55: 91-97 (2007)
66*. Sato, K., Iwatsubo, Y., Watanabe, M., Serizawa, S. and Naruhashi, N.
Cytogenetic study of Japanese triploid Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion; Asteraceae).
Cytologia 72: 475-482 (2007)
67*. Miura, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Polyploidy of Glechoma hederacea subsp. grandis (Labiatae) in Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan..
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 56: 13-16 (2008)
68*. Sato, K., Enomoto, R., Kumagai, D., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome numbers of three species of Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) in Japan.
J. Jpn. Bot. 83: 239-245. (2008)
69*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T., Ohno, M., Miura, N. and Iwatsubo Y.
Karyotype of Lysichiton camtschatcense (Araceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 56: 21-23 (2008)
70*. Sato K., Iwatsubo Y., Ohta M., Matsuhisa T. and Naruhashi N.
Chromosome numbers of Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae) distributed in some high mountains in central Honshu, Japan.
J. Jpn. Bot. 83: 115-120 (2008)
71*. Iwatsubo, Y., Sato, K., Miura, N., Ohno, M., Fujino, H., Tatsuno, Y., Sugiyama, R., and Kurosaki, F.
Chromosome numbers of the genus Forsythia (Oleaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon 56: 95-97 (2008)
72*. Natheweta, P., Yanagi, T., Iwatsubo, Y., Sone, K., Takamura, T. and Okuda, N.
Improvement of staining method for observation of mitotic chromosome in octaploid strawberry plants.
Scientia Horticulturae. 120: 431-435. (2008)
73*. Iwatsubo, Y., Kobayashi, T. and Miura, N.
Karyotypes of three species of Artemisia (Asteraceae) in Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 57: 23-27 (2009)
74*. Miura, N., and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype of Dracocephalum argunense (Labiatae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 57: 95-99 (2009)
75*. Naruhashi, N., Sato, T., Iwatsubo, Y.
Potentilla ×echizenensis (Rosaceae), a new natural hybrid from Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 57: 69-76 (2009)
76*. Nathewet, P., Yanagi, T., Hummer, K.E., Iwatsubo, Y. and Sone, K.
Karyotype analysis in wild diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid strawberries, Fragaria (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 74: 355-364 (2009)
77*. Miura, N., and Iwatsubo, Y.
Cytogeography of Glechoma hederacea subsp. grandis (Labiatae) in Japan.
Cytologia 75: 255-260 (2010)
78*. Miura, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype of Coleus formosanus (Labiatae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 85: 121-125 (2010)
79*. Nathewet, P., Hummer, K. E., Yanagi, T., Iwatsubo, Y. and Sone, K..
Karyotype analysis in octoploid and decaploid wild strawberries in Fragaria (Rosaceae).
Cytologia 75: 277-288 (2010)
80*. Miura, N., and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype of Keiskea japonica (Labiatae).
J. Jpn. Bot. 86: 49-51 (2011)
81*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Cytogeography of Taraxacum albidum (Asteraceae) in Japan.
Cytologia 76: 201-212 (2011)
82*. Miura, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Cytotaxonomic study of Lamium sensu lato (Labiatae) in Japan..
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 59: 17-29 (2011)
83*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotyoes of Taraxacum laevigatum (Asteraceae) in Japan.
Cytologia 72: 211-214 (2012)
84*. Sato, K., Takeuchi, H. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype of Taraxacum albidum (Asteraceae) preserved in Matsumae Park, Hokkaido.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon.59: 131-133 (2012)
85*. Miura, N. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome studies of Meehania montis-koyae and M. urticifolia in Japan.
Cytologia 79: 371-377 (2014)
86*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Chromosome diversity of Japanese Taraxum officinale (common dandelion; Adsteraceae).
Cytologia 79: 395-408 (2014)
87*. Iwatsubo, Y.
Rumex acetosa (Polygonaceae) Chromosomal variations occurring in Toyama Prefecture, Central Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 61: 75-89 (2014)
88*. Yamanashi, Y., Iwatsubo, Y., Hata, C. Sato, K., Naito, H. and Miura, N.
Chromosome numbers of cultivated Ophiopogon japonicus (Asparagaceae) in Toyama Prefecture, central Japan.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 61: 107-109 (2014)
89*. Sato, K., Yamazaki, T. and Iwatsubo, Y.
Karyotype analysis of three alpine Taraxacum species (Asteraceae) in Japan.
Cytologia 80: 489-493 (2015)
90*. Iwatsubo, Y.
Rumex acetosa (Polygonaceae) with a curious heteromorphic karyotype.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon.64: 27-29 (2016)
91*. Iwatsubo, Y., Teraoka, A. and Muraguchi, K.
Chromosome numbers of Paeonia cultivars (Paeoniaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 65: 29-32 (2017)
92*. Iwatsubo, Y. and Saitoh, N.
Karyotypes of Y chromosome mutants of Rumex acetosa (Polygonaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 65: 33-35 (2017)
93*. Iketani, H., Horii, Y., Ooue, M. and Iwatsubo, Y.
New Record of Malus baccata var. mandshurica (Rosaceae) from Northern Tohoku Region Seashores, Japan.
J. Jpn. Bot. 92: 112-115 (2017)
94*. Iwatsubo, Y., Miura, N., Naruhashi, N.
Karyotype of Potentilla matsumurae (Rosaceae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 65: 83-86 (2017)
95*. Iwatsubo, Y., Orikawa, T., Himi, H.
Chromosome constitutions of Rumex acetosa with hermaphrodite and staminate flowers.
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 65: 87-90 (2017)
96*. Iwatsubo, Y., Hayase, Y.
Chromosome study of Chamaele decumbens (Umbelliferae).
J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 65: 91-94 (2017)